About this project

Project Overview

Architecture on Display is a two-part research initiative and publication series led by Aaron Levy and William Menking on behalf of Slought Foundation and the Architectural Association. It explores architecture's vexed relationship with its publics, and coalesces around a simple premise: architecture is something that problematizes its own display.

Architecture on Display does not seek to recapitulate exhibitions themselves, but rather explore the questions that exhibitions raise, with the hope of offering a model for future curatorial endeavours. In structuring this research initiative around open-ended conversations, rather than commissioned positions or edited statements, we critique the notion that curating is a specialized discourse or a passive staging of existing knowledge.

You are invited to consult the media and documentation archived on this site, and to continue the conversation in your own home, community and places of work, and with colleagues, friends and strangers.

A research initiative of Slought Foundation, Philadelphia and the Architectural Association, London
Terms of Use | Background image: Arsenale (Venice, Italy)